Teleconference National Prevention Strategy and Other Affordable Care Act Prevention Initiatives:What Do They Mean for Our Communities?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EST

The Affordable Care Act includes a number of prevention initiatives, including development of a National Prevention Strategy. A draft framework for the strategy, developed by the National Prevention and Health Promotion Council, includes a vision to improve the health and quality of life for individuals, families, and communities by moving the nation from a focus on sickness and disease to one based on wellness and prevention.

On this call, Christie L. Hager, Regional Director, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Region One, will provide an overview of the National Prevention Strategy framework. She will also discuss ways the National Prevention Strategy and other ACA programs will enhance initiatives in our communities. This call is also an opportunity to share your thoughts on what should be included in the prevention strategy. There will be ample time for your questions and comments.

Please RSVP by Thursday, January 3, 2011

An overview of the National Prevention Strategy framework
summary of Affordable Care Act prevention initiatives funded in
FY 2010

If you have any questions, please contact Alice Dembner, Deputy Policy Director, ( or 617-275-2880).


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